Monday, May 3, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

Maria Rigden

FINALLY i can post my scans! so this is gonna be a mix of hamden/druidhill/romarebeardan/anything else ive forgotten!

better scans! maria rigden

SO blogger doesn't like me and hasnt been letting me upload any of my scans! yay! so lets see if it works this time!

Portraits, Hampden & Woodberry

woodberry town sketches

sorry that this is a little late but I had to find a big enough scanner to get the images

Friday, April 23, 2010

Alvaro Ortiz

interview portrait

Angela Ahn Alain's class.

Nirina interview by Jessie Jordan

April 9th

Just Something to Do

The interview with Nirisia had a really relaxed vibe to it. It was in Café Doris on a sunny Friday in spring, and it wasn’t hard to make conversations with her.

She was born in Madagascar. The reason she moved here with her family was because of her husband’s job. Here she started a carpet cleaning business but now she's tired of it and working up at Johns Hopkins. There was a neighborhood cook in her hometown, and she kept chickens in the backyard. They take family vacations to Europe a lot and go to Madagascar every two years.

All of us really wanted to know the wildlife and asked if she saw ringtailed lemurs often and she said no, but there are monkeys everywhere. When she first came to the States she was shocked at how Americans are scared of little animals because over there she has to worry about big animals. She talked about the chickens in her backyard.

She liked to compare student's work ethic and multitasking and how kids here can make art out of anything here. We also compared foods. Her favorite American food is chili, while over there it's all about the rice and vegetables.

Nirina portraits

These are the portraits of Emi Murano.
I tried my hand in line contour and with a graphic pencil.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Michel + Others - William Niu

Portraits of Michel

I tried to draw him abstracted, but I ended up with cartoons!

Portraits of Nirina

Yikes these are pretty rough.